The Johari Window, named after the first names of its inventors, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, is one of the most useful models describing the process of human interaction. A four paned "window," divides personal awareness into four different types, as represented by its four quadrants: open, hidden, blind, and unknown. The lines dividing the four panes are like window shades, which can move as an interaction progresses.
1. The "open" quadrant represents things that both I know about myself, and that you know about me.
2. The "blind" quadrant represents things that you know about me, but that I am unaware of.
3. The "hidden" quadrant represents things that I know about myself, that you do not know.
4. The "unknown" quadrant represents things that neither I know about myself, nor you know about me.
source: Johari Window
My Johari Window
Arena (known to self and others) dependable, giving, helpful, kind, observant, sentimental | Blind Spot (known only to others) able, adaptable, brave, caring, cheerful, clever, confident, dignified, energetic, friendly, happy, independent, intelligent, knowledgeable, logical, loving, mature, organised, patient, quiet, reflective, relaxed, religious, responsive, searching, self-conscious, sensible, silly, sympathetic, trustworthy, warm, wise, witty | Façade (known only to self) | Unknown (known to nobody) accepting, bold, calm, complex, extroverted, idealistic, ingenious, introverted, modest, nervous, powerful, proud, self-assertive, shy, spontaneous, tense | Dominant Traits58% of people think that Lexie Zamora is friendly
All Percentagesable (3%) accepting (0%) adaptable (6%) bold (0%) brave (6%) calm (0%) caring (24%) cheerful (31%) clever (6%) complex (0%) confident (17%) dependable (20%) dignified (3%) energetic (6%) extroverted (0%) friendly (58%) giving (13%) happy (10%) helpful (6%) idealistic (0%) independent (6%) ingenious (0%) intelligent (31%) introverted (0%) kind (27%) knowledgeable (3%) logical (6%) loving (48%) mature (13%) modest (0%) nervous (0%) observant (3%) organised (6%) patient (10%) powerful (0%) proud (0%) quiet (3%) reflective (10%) relaxed (3%) religious (20%) responsive (3%) searching (10%) self-assertive (0%) self-conscious (6%) sensible (13%) sentimental (44%) shy (0%) silly (3%) spontaneous (0%) sympathetic (3%) tense (0%) trustworthy (27%) warm (27%) wise (3%) witty (10%)
chum chants the magic words at 8:53 AM||
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